5 Ways To Use Your Longer Days
The winter months can feel tough on us for a number of reasons. They’re cold, dark, isolating, and can feel very lonely. Not to mention the added level of confusion, isolation, and fear from the pandemic over the past 2 years, and it's safe to assume that most of us are probably feeling ready for the longer days.
In general, the spring brings about a sense of optimism. From having more light in the mornings while we get ready for the day, to watching the sunset far into the even evenings, the longer days and warmer temperatures can feel welcoming and comforting. When we’re coming out of a long, dark winter, this can remind us that even the darkest times will eventually pass. And while I know it may feel difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you’re in the thick of it, no storm lasts forever.
Also read: 6 Tips For Creating An At-Home Pamper Night
Around this time of year, I always start looking for ways to use the longer days. If you find yourself struggling right now, here are 5 ways to use your longer days as something to focus your attention on.
5 Ways To Use Your Longer Days
One thing I recommend to do in the springtime is to look at which areas of your day you’re able to move outside. For me, that typically includes enjoying my morning coffee outside, having a picnic meal, or even setting up a space to work on a particularly nice day. This may take some creativity or thought, but I promise it's worth it.
I’m a big believer in finding activities that get you moving outside, especially when the weather is nice. Whether you enjoy hiking, biking, walking, or running, focus on moving your body in a way that feels good and you enjoy.
Depending on where you live, I understand this may not be accessible. Here in the Kawarthas, we are blessed with an abundance of lakes. If you are able to, try to find a quiet place to sit by the water. Read a book, chat with a friend, or even just enjoy a little time on your own.
There’s something magical about opening your windows and blinds on a beautiful spring morning. Hearing the birds chirping and feeling the sun on your face can feel refreshing, comforting, and inspiring. Air out your home, let the sun in through the windows and soak up the spring, even from indoors.
We know that the winter can feel tough on our mental health, and we also know that sometimes when our mental health is struggling, our daily tasks can feel next to impossible. As cliché as it may sound, use the springtime to prioritize your cleaning. Get rid of the things that are not serving you or providing value to your life.