4 Tips That May Make Asking For Help Feel Easier When We're Busy
There’s no denying that we're wearing many hats in this day and age. We're juggling our careers, managing our households, taking care of our loved ones, and somehow expected to find time for our own personal development and hobbies. And to be completely honest with you, that list almost feels like I’m downplaying just how much work it all is. The reality is that we can very quickly pile a ton of things onto our plate, often without even realizing it, and for a lot of us, the idea of asking for help may feel pretty foreign.
I realized as a young adult that while my independence was very important to me, I needed to be aware of my skillset. I understood that part of being my best self meant releasing control in certain areas of my life. So over the years, I’ve done my best to be aware of my needs and to reach out for help when needed. By no means am I trying to say that I’m an expert at this - there are still periods in my life where I struggle to accept help. But more often than not, I’m comfortable with bringing in help when I need it.
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In general, as a society, we’re busier than ever. Not to mention the absolute stress and pressure the past couple of years have presented, and our daily lives can quickly feel quite overwhelming. I know how hard of a time some people have with asking for help, so today, I wanted to share some tips on how to make it easier, and offer up solutions with where to go to get help. Help is out there, sometimes we just need to get creative with where we’re looking.
4 Tips For Asking For Help
We may find ourselves in denial that we need help, so before we can make a change, we first need to be aware that we need it. Instead of assuming that this is what life is supposed to feel like, we need to be open to the idea that we don't need to do everything on our own. Spend some time examining your day to identify what's working and where you could take some help.
There is a pretty big misconception around needing help: some folks believe it’s a sign of weakness to ask for help, or that it’s only for those who are really struggling. Others are influenced by their ego and pride, thinking managing everything is a badge of honour. I want you to change your perspective on this. It’s okay to ask for help: this does not make you lazy, and this does not mean you’ve failed. Reaching out for help allows us to lighten our load, which gives us the energy and strength we need to tackle the rest of our day.
We all have our own network of people in our lives who we can lean on, sometimes it just takes a little creativity to see it. Depending on what your needs are, you could reach out to a neighbour to take turns with school drop off/pick up, ask a friend or family member to help you clean, or even meet with a financial advisor to stay on top of your finances. Set your sights on your own needs, and then search for the solutions accordingly.
I understand that hiring outside help may not be accessible for everyone, but I still wanted to offer it as a solution. This could look like picking up dinner on your way home from work, hiring a teenager to watch your kids, or hiring someone to clean your house biweekly for you. The cost, of course, is something to consider and be mindful of, but I want to remind you of the opportunity cost. Most things in life come with an opportunity cost, where it either costs you your money or your time. For example, cooking dinner at home may cost you an hour of your time plus the cost of the groceries, whereas picking up dinner may cost you $50 but saves you time. Focus on the tradeoff that works for you and your family, and remember that it’s okay to get help.