10 Tips for Creating a Strong Morning Routine

Plant in windowsill

Photo by eduard on Unsplash

Whether you love mornings or hate them, one thing stands true: they’re the foundation for our day. Think about how you feel when you’ve overslept and are trying to rush out of the house in 30 seconds, unable to take care of your needs, versus times when you can allocate time to yourself - chances are you have a better day when you’ve been able to take care of yourself first. The goal of creating a morning routine is to spend dedicated time on yourself, fulfilling some of your needs to thrive throughout your day. It’s intentional, it’s mindful, and most importantly, it’s you-focused. 

Also read: 5 Tips to Help You Show Up For Yourself This Week, Regardless of Your Goals

Believe me when I say, I understand how busy things can be. I remember those long days when my kids were in diapers like they were yesterday. Or when I was a brand new nurse working nights all the time. By no means am I saying you have to wake up at the crack of dawn to be a happy and productive person whatsoever. What I am saying is to try to wake up a little earlier than needed to allocate some time for yourself positively and beneficially. This is going to look completely different from person to person and that’s a-okay. Prioritize your own wants and needs and grow from there. When you’re taken care of you’ll be able to show up even better for others throughout your day.

10 Tips for Creating a Strong Morning Routine

1. Say no to the snooze button

I know how tempting that snooze button can be in the morning, but believe it or not, it can make it more difficult to get out of bed. As difficult as it may feel, my advice for you is to avoid it altogether. When my alarm goes off in the morning, I like to spend a couple of minutes taking deep breaths and collect myself. Then I slowly sit up and put my feet firmly on the floor and take a few more deep breaths. This is a great way to wake my body up slowly and help me feel ready to get up.

2. Rise early

I know mornings can feel difficult, especially for those who consider themselves to be night owls, but I do truly believe there’s so much value in getting up earlier than you may need. Waking up earlier than we need allows us to set a strong foundation for our day, filled with things that build us up and contribute to our needs. I like to use this time to set intentions for the day as I sip my coffee.

3. Drink some water

We all know how important it is to drink water, but also how difficult it can be to get in during the day. Drinking water first thing in the morning is especially important since a lot of us wake up dehydrated, so make sure you jumpstart your water intake for the day with a couple of glasses when you wake up. 

4. Exercise

Finding the time to move your body during the day can also be challenging, especially if you work a sedentary job. Whether it’s going for a walk, doing some yoga, or going to the gym, try to get some movement in the morning. The endorphins you get from it will help set you up for a great day!

5. Shower or bathe

There’s nothing more refreshing than an early morning shower or bath to wake you up and leave you feeling refreshed for the day.

6. The right outfit

Even if you are working from home, you can pick an outfit that makes you feel stylish and confident. You deserve to feel your best for you, regardless of who you’re around. 

7. Get a jumpstart on your email

Once your awake and have done something for yourself, the morning can be a great time to get started tackling your email. I always find it’s the quietest time for me to focus!

8. Healthy breakfast 

Focus on making a breakfast that’s going to be filling and can give you the energy needed to have a productive and successful day.

9. Plan ahead

To have a successful morning routine, make sure you have things planned ahead in advance. Have your lunch prepared, your outfit picked, and anything laid out that you may need in the morning. The goal is to make things as effortless and streamlined for you as possible so you can have an enjoyable and stress-free start to set yourself up for a great day ahead. 

10. Journal

Journaling is a great avenue to get your thoughts out of your head onto paper, and the best part is that there’s no right or wrong way to do it. Whether you want to write lists, paragraphs, or anything in between, my biggest piece of advice would be to focus on gratitude in your life. Even during times of chaos, there are always things to be grateful for. 


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