These 10 Tips That May Help You Feel Better on a Bad Day

We all have those days when we feel a little tired and unmotivated. The days when it feels difficult to get moving and where tasks that are typically easy for us may feel heavier. It can feel challenging, especially while you’re in the thick of it. But sometimes having strategies in place for these seasons can make them easier to weather.

I regularly tell my clients to write a plan out ahead of time, and this includes a plan for what to do on a bad or challenging day. This is because sometimes in the moment it can be difficult to think of something that will make us feel better. But when we plan ahead and make a list of things that we know we enjoy, we are better equipped to feel our best.

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Today, I wanted to help you get your list going by sharing 10 tips that may help you feel better when you’re having a bad day. But before we begin, I first want to say that these tips are not a replacement for medical advice or professional support during times of experiencing a depressive episode. If you are struggling and need more support, I highly recommend you talk with your primary care doctor. You deserve to feel your best, and your doctor can help guide you to help.

These 10 Tips That May Help You Feel Better on a Bad Day

1. Mild exercise

Exercise is a great way to stretch your legs, clear your mind, and increase your mood. A 30-minute walk or a short yoga flow can really change our mindset and provide more energy for us. I recommend incorporating daily movement into your routine in a positive way that you enjoy.

2. Get out of the house

 Go have a coffee at your favourite coffee shop or do some window shopping at your favourite store. Sometimes it’s less about what you buy and more about spending time out of the house and seeing something new. 

3. Socialize

Humans are social creatures, which means we’re meant to be around others. Sometimes, our difficult feelings may amplify when we’re feeling isolated from our support system. Schedule a lunch date with a friend, visit someone you love, or call a relative who lives far away.

4. Expand your knowledge

 As you know, I’m a huge advocate for lifelong learning, and I truly believe it can happen in a wide variety of ways. Signing up for a workshop or a continuing education course can be rewarding and inspiring. It can give us purpose and a feeling of accomplishment.

5. Treat yourself

Buy yourself a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a candle, or possibly a new blouse. Treating ourselves can remind us of our worth and lift our spirits.

6. Give yourself permission to have an “off day”

Every day won't be the best day of our lives, so it is natural to have days where we don’t feel at our best. Remember that these days will remind us of how fortunate we are when we have great days. Allow yourself to process your feelings and remember this too shall pass.

7. Cook your favourite meal or bake something sweet 

Cooking can provide a sense of accomplishment and joy and is downright tasty. Whether it’s a favourite recipe or something new, cooking offers a quick reward and can brighten your day. 

8. Treat yourself to a nice long soak in the tub

Add some Epsom salts or your favourite bubble bath, light some candles, bring a book and a cozy beverage, and relax. Baths force us to be still, which sometimes is exactly what we need.

9. Take a nap

I don't know when humans decided that sleep made us lazy or unproductive, but I assure you it doesn’t. Naps allow us to catch up on sleep, which is imperative for our health and well-being. Give yourself permission to nap unapologetically. 

10. Grab a pen and your journal and write about your feelings

Our minds are very complex and can easily feel cluttered with a wide variety of thoughts and feelings. Putting pen to paper and allowing yourself to journal can be an effective way to untangle what is going on in your mind and help to provide you with some insight and clarity. This can look like a stream-of-consciousness flow where you write everything that comes to mind, following journal prompts, or anything in between. 


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