It's Never Too Late To Follow Your Dreams
When you ask young children what they want to do when they're older, they typically have some big dreams. Instead of worrying about the logistics of what is realistic and what is not, they simply let their imaginations run wild and humour any possible idea. The sky is the limit, where the thought of becoming a fairy godmother or mermaid feels just as attainable to them as becoming a doctor or a scientist. Some may feel like the thought of having 101 Dalmatians is perfectly reasonable, and others may envision themselves falling in love with a prince at a royal ball.
However, as they grow older, if they were told to be realistic, be reasonable, play it safe, and start to limit their reach, their beliefs probably swung in the completely opposite direction.
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As adults, we understand that the idea of being a fairy godmother or owning a plethora of dogs is unrealistic in the way that the movies portray it - magical powers do not exist the way they do in the movies, and there are typically bylaws preventing you from owning 101 dogs. However, many of our limiting beliefs didn't stop there.
Instead of thinking we could do anything that popped into our brains, many of us began looking for reasons why we couldn't achieve our dreams. Suddenly, the thought of attending university became as unrealistic as becoming a mermaid for folks who told themselves they weren't smart. For folks struggling to find a long-lasting relationship, the thought of finding a partner who cared about them became as foreign as falling in love with prince charming at a royal ball. We began to divide ourselves into categories and look for confirmations as to why we could or couldn't achieve our goals
I was 35 when I decided to back to school to get my degree. My daughters were young at the time, I was working part-time, and I was terrified I was going to be so much older than everyone else in my classes that I'd stand out like a sore thumb. But I realized two main things:
Firstly, I realized that I was in control of my own story. If I believed I was too old to go back to school, that story would become true if I didn't go back to school. But if I believed I was meant to do this, the story would be completely different. I don’t know about you, but I would definitely prefer to believe the version of the story that helps me reach my goals.
Secondly, I thought about what it would mean if I let this story hold me back. What would I be teaching my daughters? How would I feel in 10 years when I was still in the same spot, longing for a life I never went after?
So often we get caught up in these definitions about how we think our lives need to go, but the reality is that there can be countless roads that lead to a very beautiful life. You don’t need to be married to have children, just as you don’t need to have children to live a fulfilling life. You can learn to drive at 16 years old, or you can learn how to drive at 60. You can work for someone else, or you can work for yourself. You can buy your first home at 25, or you can buy your first home at 50.
This idea of how our lives need to go was created by humans - it is not the be-all, end-all path to life. It has meaning because we’ve given it meaning, not because there is a single correct answer. Just because something works for someone else, doesn’t mean it needs to work for you.
Allow me to share one of my favourite quotes from Albert Einstein: “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” What is important to you in your life doesn’t need to make sense to anyone else. As long as you are not harming yourself or others in the process, you’re likely okay. Take care of yourself, love yourself, and reach for the stars - your dreams are valid because they are yours.