8 Holiday Wellness Tips You Need in 2021
I’m a big advocate for prioritizing your wellness all year, and that includes during the holidays.
The holidays are busy. Our schedules fill up quickly, our focus is on everyone else, and our own needs seem to be the first thing to be pushed to the side. Before we know it, we can quickly fall out of routine and find that the things we typically do for ourselves are forgotten.
Prioritizing your wellness in the holidays is particularly important because it helps us shift the focus onto ourselves. It’s an opportunity to lift ourselves up and remind ourselves of our own worth. So, with that in mind, let’s look at 8 holiday wellness tips you need in 2021.
8 Holiday Wellness Tips You Need in 2021
Daily movement is very important to me, but sometimes it looks a little different during the holidays. When times are busy or when we aren’t home as much, we may not be able to keep up with our regular exercise routine. Get creative and reimagine what exercise looks like on these days. For some, this could involve recruiting your family on a walk or doing some yoga in the evening. Keep your body moving, strengthen your muscles, and have fun.
Again, this isn’t always the easiest step, especially when the weather is chilly and the days are shorter, so just try your best. This may look like opening a window for a few minutes, going for a walk, or taking up an outdoor activity. A little fresh air and sunshine does wonders for us, especially during the busyness of the holidays.
Delicious treats can sometimes make eating well a difficult task, so just do your best. Focus on fuelling your body with the foods it needs to give you the strength and energy to make it through your day. Does this mean you can’t enjoy treats at all? Absolutely not. Just try to include some other choices as well.
The holidays can feel very busy and nonstop. The malls are packed, our schedules are filled, and we probably don’t have much alone time. Here is your formal reminder that taking time to rest and recharge is a productive use of your time. Relax, unwind, and take care of yourself.
Don’t over-schedule yourself, and don’t compromise your needs to fit into someone else’s life. Say no to events, gatherings, and activities that don’t align with what you need or where you’re heading.
I want to make this crystal clear: the holidays are not worth going into debt over. Don’t overstretch yourself, and don’t put your needs aside to fill your tree with gifts. Get creative, and remember that there’s more to the holidays than gifts.
If you’ve lost someone, then you’ll know that the holidays can feel tough because they bring up feelings, emotions, and memories. Honour your loved ones where you can through traditions, stories, and pictures. Remember that their spirit and presence can live on.
It’s okay if you don’t have it all together or figured out. It’s okay if you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or drained. It’s okay if you need to set boundaries with people, activities, or events. Be kind and gentle with yourself this holiday season - you’re doing better than you give yourself credit.