7 Tips for Aging Well

Aging is a gift that can sometimes be taken for granted. We may begin to criticize our looks without stepping back to see what a great honour it is to age, as with age comes beautiful memories and experiences.

Also read: Turning 60: A Privilege and a Journey

When you step back and think about it, you begin to realize that we started aging the moment we were born. Once upon a time, we were excited about it. But as we get older, our feelings may start to shift, and we may find it’s harder to accept the changes, as we begin to lose the things that once were. We miss the energy we once had, how tight our skin was, or the colour of our hair before it started to change. While we may not be able to turn back time, sometimes there are little things we can do to help regain that feeling we may be missing.

7 Tips for Aging Well

1. Exercise

There is power in movement. Movement helps our body stay fit and healthy so we can maintain our mobility and independence as we age. Go for a walk in the morning, take a yoga class, lift weights—whatever works for you is a wonderful gift you’re giving your future self.

2. Ensure You Get Enough Sleep

Your body requires sleep so it can recharge and support its systems to keep you well. Going to bed early, having an afternoon nap, or even taking time out of the afternoon to rest and restore, can help you feel well, stay well, and support you as you age.

3. Socialize

It’s been shown that sometimes when some folks retire, they begin to age rapidly. Part of this is due to a lack of routine or the need to get out of bed, the other is due to a lack of socialization. Isolation can cause us to age faster or feel generally unwell and lonely. Meet a friend for coffee or lunch, go for a walk together, or even just window shop around your local downtown core. Humans are social creatures, so it’s important to make sure we’re spending time with others.

4. Exercise Your Brain

Continue to exercise your brain whenever you can. Read, take courses, attend workshops—these will provide opportunities to expand your knowledge and keep your brain active.

5. Be Creative

Draw, paint, sculpt—whatever feels right for you. This can be a wonderful release of emotion and offer opportunities to express your inner being.

6. Volunteer

Whether it’s wanting to care for animals or support marginalized people in your community, we all have a cause that is important to us. Volunteering, especially as we age, can be a wonderful experience to give back, support something you care about, and socialize as well. Select a charity of interest and offer some time to help others. What a wonderful way to build community and give back.

7. Remember Your Wisdom

As we age, we learn new knowledge and become wiser in life lessons. Be proud of this, and be sure to share some of your wisdom with those who may benefit from it.


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