5 Reasons Why You Need To Try Distance Reiki
What is it?
Distance Reiki may be a new concept for some, as it takes a traditional Reiki practice to any corner of the world. It provides relation, helps to restore balance, and can provide clarity in your life.
How Does it Work
Reiki is all about energy, and energy isn't impacted by distance. In other words, it doesn’t matter how close or far apart you may be, Reiki can be customized to your individual needs. It can happen on FaceTime or Zoom if you want to have a more personal connection, or it can happen without being connected if you prefer a little more privacy. The reality is that sometimes it can feel a little overwhelming to step outside of your comfort zone to try something new. Distance Reiki allows you to capitalize on the healing properties of Reiki by customizing where and how it happens.
5 Reasons Why You Need To Try Distance Reiki
It Takes Place Wherever Works for You
There are a ton of different reasons why you may prefer to keep things digital: maybe you’re busy with work or school, or you have family obligations that tie you to your home, or there’s a global pandemic that keeps you from travelling. Regardless of the reason, distance Reiki brings the healing energy to any space that works for you: your home, a hotel room, the office, the options are endless.
It’s Good For Your Sleep
Despite being essential, sleep seems to be the first thing that is pushed to the side when life gets busy. Sleep refuels our bodies and makes sure that we can show up at our very best, and should be prioritized. Reiki is an incredible tool for your sleep, and distance Reiki allows you to better incorporate it into your busy schedule.
It Helps to Release Blocked Emotion & Assists in Clarity
Without even realizing it, a lot of us may experience emotional blockages from time to time. We hold onto things out of fear of letting go or become uncertain on how to process it. Reiki aids in releasing blocked emotion and helps to provide clarity in your life. Some people may find this a tiring experience and may find it comforting to do so in a familiar area, which is why distance Reiki is so amazing.
It Doesn’t Confine You to Your Area
Distance Reiki allows you to receive it from anywhere in the world, from any practitioner you may wish. Travelling for work but still want to make sure you can slip in your Reiki appointment? Distance Reiki is for you. Have you found a practitioner that you feel just gets you? Distance Reiki is for you. Feeling busy and unable to step away from your other commitments? Distance Reiki is for you.
It’s Dedicated You Time
It’s easy to fill our days with everyone else’s schedule and duties, that sometimes we can find ourselves somewhere on the back burner. Distance Reiki gives you dedicated time for you, without the stress of having to travel somewhere else.