10 Things You Need To Do If You Work From Home

Working from home has quickly become a reality for so many of us. While we may feel like it provides us with a ton of opportunities (including eliminating a commute or allowing us to sleep a little longer), it also comes with its own set of unique challenges.

Working from home means that we are now working in the same space we are supposed to relax in, which can feel extremely challenging. Boundaries may feel blurred, and we may find it confusing to go from work to personal mode. Today, we’re going to talk about working from home by outlining 10 things you need to do.

  1. Establish Routines

    When we’re working in a physical office instead of working from home, we tend to find ourselves in some sort of routine, possibly without even realizing it. We’ll wake up around the same time, we get dressed around the same time, and we’re out the door like clockwork – we do it all like it’s second nature. However, when we’re working from home, we may find ourselves a little more flexible with our time. While you may not need to be as strict with yourself while working from home, you may find it beneficial to establish routines where possible. Find a non-negotiable time to wakeup, or ways to relax at the end of the night. Find what works for you, and go from there.

  2. Dress the Part

    We see tons of people joking online about wearing pyjamas all day or not wearing pants while we work, and while a little bit of that is okay (minus the not wearing pants, you need to wear pants), you may find it beneficial to get dressed. Not only will this help to set the tone for the day, but it can also establish boundaries between your work life and personal life. If you have a small space without a dedicated office, getting dressed can be especially useful for getting your brain into work mode.

  3. Set Hours

    If you work a typical 9-5, your schedule will already set for you, and you can skip this step. However, if your job is a little more flexible, you will need to do this for yourself. It can be especially difficult to disconnect from work if you feel constantly connected to it. Give yourself set hours so you can get into the habit of knowing when to start and end the day.

  4. Have a Dedicated Workspace

    If you live somewhere with limited space, you may find this step difficult, but if possible, try to have a dedicated workspace. This could involve putting a desk in the corner of your living room or even working in a different seat than you sit-in at the dining table or couch. Having a dedicated workspace gives your body little cues that when you are in this particular space, you are at work, and when you are sitting somewhere else, you are at home.

  5. Involve Outside Help

    We have to remember that when we are working from home, we are working, even though we are at home. It’s not the time to be vacuuming or trying to accomplish tasks that we’ve been putting off. However, since we are at home more, we may find ourselves more aware of the work that needs to be done or even find it piling up more. Where possible, involve outside help. Use a daycare service or ask a family member for help, hire a cleaning service once a week, or pick up dinner if you are too tired to cook.

  6. Maintain Balance

    Life is all about balance, including finding a balance between your work and personal life. Set non-negotiable times to put your computer away or to stop answering emails, and remember to live.

  7. Set Screen-Free Time

    When you are working from home, you are more likely connected to screens for the bulk of your day through video conferencing, emails, and daily tasks. The blue light from our device can be harsh on our eyes and can feel hard to escape. Allocate yourself screen-free time during the day to go for a walk, read, meditate, journal, or do anything that makes you happy.

  8. Network/Share Ideas

    If you were working in an office, you’d likely be spending time chatting with colleagues or networking with folks in different departments. The issue we face while working from home is not being able to maintain those work relationships as easily. Allocate time in your day to network or share ideas with those in your industry.

  9. Be Patient

    Working from home can feel like starting a brand new job, which is extremely difficult, especially when you’ve been doing the same job, the same way, for a long time. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new technology, figure out the logistics, and establish a routine that works for you. It may take time, but eventually, it will get easier.

  10. Be Kind

    Be kind to yourself as you figure out this lifestyle. Working from home may pose issues with learning technology, figuring out what to do about a poor network or internet connection, or feeling like you are trying to juggle everything under the sun. A ton of people are adapting to this new reality, so remember to be kind if you don’t get an email response right away or if a mistake happens. Things will get easier, it sometimes just takes a little time.


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