5 Easy Ways to Show up for Your Dream Life Now

I know that feeling all too well of dreaming about some sort of future endeavour. Maybe it’s a career change, the thought of going back to school, or you’re just waiting for a new chapter to begin. The excitement. The wonder. But also know this can bring a sense of paralysis if it seems overly far from where you are now. 

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A big part of manifestation, personal growth and development, and confidence stems from adjusting your current life to welcome what you want in the future to come in. Meaning, that while you may not be able to actually achieve a particular goal yet, start setting up a foundation that will benefit you one day. Today I wanted to talk about showing up for yourself and doing what you can with the resources you have available to you now.

How to Start Showing up for Yourself as the Person You Want to be

1. Write out what your dream consists of

Take time to map out what a day in your dream life would look like. What time do you wake up? Who is in your life? Who do you see? Who do you talk to? What do you do? The more details you can focus on, the better. Get crystal clear on every aspect of what it is you want.

2. Evaluate your current habits

Take a look at what you do in a day as it is. What time do you wake up? When do you leave for work? Are you usually on time or are you late? What do you eat for lunch? Go throughout your day and evaluate what it is you currently do.

3. Begin making subtle changes 

Of course, the reality is that you’re not going to be able to completely change your life overnight - you’ll still have your regular obligations including work, family, and personal responsibilities. However, focus on what you can do, and begin making small changes in your daily routine that correlate with your dream life. For example, maybe you can’t start an entirely new career overnight, but you can start acquiring knowledge and information that would be beneficial in this new role. This could look like taking an upgrading course or even just listening to a podcast. Similarly, if your goal is to get healthier but you don’t have the time for long workouts at the gym, start by going for a walk on your lunch break. The focus should be on doing what you can now as opposed to waiting to do everything at once. Small steps will still take you to your destination.

5 Easy Ways to Show up for Your Dream Life Now

1. Evaluate your conduct

Think of your conduct as how you carry yourself throughout your day. Do you carry yourself with grace and kindness? How about with confidence? What are the morals that you follow throughout the day? Your conduct is something that can change regardless if anything else changes in your life. Your conduct will be one of the easiest things you can switch to begin living your dream life.

2. Listen to your language

Similarly, with conduct, think of the language that you use throughout the day. Are you swearing often? Do you have the vocabulary you want? Work on not only your language but also on how you speak about yourself and others.

3. Advance your skills

Even if you aren’t where you want to be yet, are there skills you can start to perfect now? Don’t wait until you are ready to start working on your skills. Do what you can with the resources available to you now.

4. Work on your education 

In addition to advancing your skills, are there areas of your education you can advance as well? If your plan is to go back to school but you’re not ready yet, are you able to start learning some information through a podcast or upgrading classes? 

5. Pay attention to your energy 

Your energy are your vibes, and your vibes attract your tribe. Think of this as the type of person you portray to the world. Are you someone positive? Are you someone negative? Make sure you’re giving more of what you want to see from the world. If you want to be among executives one day, need to start portraying that sort of energy. Believe in yourself, believe you are worth it, be kind, be compassionate, be an advocate and most importantly, be yourself.


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