4 Tips For Navigating Change
Photo by Justin DoCanto on Unsplash
How do you feel about change? Do you fear it? Crave it? Does it depend on the situation? Regardless of how you feel about it, change happens. In fact, it’s even been said that change is the only constant in life, but that doesn’t make it feel any less scary. Change takes us from our comfort zones and can leave us feeling overwhelmed and possibly confused. It can be challenging to navigate, especially when it gets thrown our way without any warning. But whether we like it, change is inevitable, and happens whether we are prepared or not, ready or not, and willing or not.
Also read: 5 Tips For Changing Careers
My life has changed a lot over the years. In fact, when I think back to what I had envisioned my life to look like when I started college versus where it is now, it’s almost unrecognizable. No matter how much we plan, life is never set in stone. Sometimes we change our path on purpose, and sometimes life surprises us with a new direction. It’s through changes that we can unlock new possibilities, adventures, and growth, sometimes without even realizing we needed it in the first place.
Instead of looking at change as something to fear, today I wanted to focus on the wonderful new opportunities change can hold. The new skills we can learn by stepping out of our comfort zones, and the confidence we can gain from trying something new. How empowering it can be to set out on a new journey, and the growth that occurs during change. Whether we fight it or not, change will occur, so here are some ideas for navigating it.
4 Tips For Navigating Change
Change is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be an easy transition: give yourself time to adjust. You may feel extra tired or drained as you embark on something new, so remember to go easy on yourself. Time heals all, so keep trusting that things will get easier and allow yourself to adjust.
Tasks can sometimes feel automatic when we are familiar with them, but that doesn’t mean they started off that way. In fact, a lot of things that we do effortlessly in our lives were once difficult. Think about the first time you drove a car: you had to learn which pedal accelerated the car and which one stopped it, but now you drive with ease. However, even if you know how to drive a car, you would still be back to square one if you decided to learn how to fly a plane. That doesn’t mean it’s never going to come easy to you, but it does mean that new tasks can take time to learn. When we go through a change, we may find ourselves stepping away from something we once felt second nature and embarking on something unfamiliar. My biggest piece of advice is to be comfortable with being unsure. With practice and time, most things tend to get a bit easier.
Change can throw us from our comfort zone, which can feel pretty lonely and even isolating. Regardless if the change was intended or impromptu, seek out a mentor who can answer questions and provide guidance. Having support from someone who has been through the situation and can provide insight can help to make the transition easier. For example, if you decided to go back to school in your adult life, try to connect with another mature student who understands both the struggles and opportunities ahead for you.
Self-care is very important during any stage, and that includes during periods of change. When life feels busier and a little more overwhelming or hectic, it seems to be our own needs that get pushed to the back burner first. During these periods of change, I want to encourage you to continue to prioritize your self-care. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, drinking water, eating well, and continuing to move your body. It will help to set yourself up for success during this change.