4 Easy Ways to Prioritize Self-love

In the Reiki community, we have an expression that says you cannot pour from an empty cup, meaning you need to make sure you refill your own cup before you turn to help others. For those who are not accustomed to prioritizing their needs, the thought of filling your cup first may feel selfish. I want you to think about when you’re listening to the safety instructions before you take off on an airplane - they will tell you that you need to put on your own oxygen mask before you help those around you. The reason is that when you have oxygen flowing and you’re taken care of, you’ll have an easier time figuring out how to tend to the needs of someone else. The same goes with other areas in your life too - when your needs are taken care of, you’ll have an easier time tending to the needs of those around you.

Also read: 10 Ways to Make Rebranding Yourself Feel Easier

Self-love has turned into a bit of a buzzword these days, with people using it as a justification for treat-yourself moments and acts. While that can definitely be a part of self-love, the concept of it begins with the act of doing things out of love for yourself. These things can be a fun way to reward yourself or to pat yourself on the back, but they also can be the hard stuff you need to do to take care of your needs. Self-love is about doing the things that are going to re-fill your cup out of love and compassion for yourself.

Today, I wanted to share with you some ways to prioritize your self-love to aid in your ability to fill your cup first.

4 Easy Ways to Prioritize Self-love

1. Prioritize sleep

No matter how well we think we do on limited sleep, we need it to function. Sleep strengthens our immune systems, reduces the risk for health issues, lowers our stress, increases our mood, and helps us function well in our day-to-day lives. Sleep is so critical for our lives, yet seems to be one of the first things we push to the side when life gets busy. An act of self-love is making sure you’re getting enough sleep. Try to find a sleep schedule to works for you, and allow yourself to nap unapologetically when you’re feeling extra tired. It will set you up for success in the long term.

2. Eat a balanced diet

Food is the fuel that moves us throughout our day, with different foods giving us different benefits. Eating a balanced diet ensures you’re getting the nutrients needed to guide you through your day, while also enjoying tasty snacks along the way.

3. Move your body

In addition to daily movement being essential to ensure our bodies are taken care of, it also does wonders for our mental health. Exercise gives us endorphins, which make us happy, as well as energy to carry out the tasks needed for the day. Prioritizing daily movement can strengthen our muscles, clear our minds, and leave us feeling good.

4. Stay connected

Reach out to your friends, family members, neighbours, or community. Tough and overwhelming seasons often feel easier when we have people around us. Find a group of people who can support you, encourage you through tough journeys, and cheer for you through the good ones.


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