4 Areas in Your Life to Downsize
I’ve been on a decluttering kick for the past couple of years, focusing on organizing my life. This has included everything from the items in my home to the priorities in my life. I have found things from all different stages of my life, such as the nursing jacket I got in college, wedding gifts my husband and I received over 30 years ago, and things I’ve purchased more recently. This process has made me realize just how easy it is to acquire a lot of things without even realizing it.
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If you’re anything like me, you’ve likely found yourself with things that have been collected for decades. Sentimental pieces scattered throughout your house that the thought of parting with may sound less than ideal. Don't worry, I'm not here to tell you to get rid of everything you love - it's actually quite the opposite. The topic of downsizing and organizing is not to get rid of the things that are important to you, but rather weeding through what no longer serves you so you can enjoy what does, more.
4 Areas in Your Life to Downsize
1. Removing What Doesn’t Serve a Purpose
Let’s start with the basics, when you’re looking at decluttering, start with the things that don’t serve a purpose. The mysterious Tupperware lid with no base, the single sock, or the hobby you haven’t been interested in for years. If it doesn’t provide value in your life, remove it. This doesn’t mean throwing everything in the garbage - if the item is intact, donate or gift it to someone who needs it more or repurpose it to suit your own needs.
2. Carry Less
This can be taken a couple of different ways. Firstly, it can look like carrying fewer items with you on the go to eliminate clutter in your car or bag. When you stick to what you need with you and remove what you don’t need, you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for easier in a pinch. On the other hand, this can also look like carrying around less stress and opinions. Of course, this may sound easier said than done but focus on creating systems to help you let go after stressful situations and hurdles.
3. Do Less
Find peace in stillness. We live in a society that values constant hustle and distractions, and sometimes it can be difficult to slow down and relax. Make time to do less of the things you don’t like and spend more time doing the things you do. Read on a Sunday morning, take a walk in the evening after work, or take up an activity you've always been interested in. We only get one life, so remember o make time to do the things you enjoy.
4. Removing What You Don’t Need
Stop holding onto things for the maybe’s and possibly’s. Go through your space and evaluate what you actually need and what you’re holding onto for the sake of holding onto it. More does not always equal more - more sometimes equates to more work, more stress, or more money. If there are blankets you never grab, maybe you can donate them to a humane society. If there are mugs you don’t use, maybe you can gift them to someone who needs them. Remove what you don’t need and make space for the stuff you do.