8 Things to Do if You're Feeling a Little Sad Around the Holidays

According to HealthPartners, doctors and mental health professionals have been citing increased rates of depression during the holiday season for years. The holidays bring about a lot of increased stress, more social interactions, travel, multiple added expenses, and so much more. This can make the most wonderful time of the year often feel incredibly difficult for so many people. And for folks who don’t have close family or are grieving a loss, the holidays can feel incredibly isolating. I recently posted a blog post with tips on how to make the holidays feel easier on you, and while this is a conversation I initially touched on, I wanted to further the conversation today.

Also read: 5 Ways to Make the Holidays Feel Easier on You

During the holiday season, uncomfortable feelings including sadness, overwhelm, and loneliness can arise. While there may not be a magic fix to making them feel easier, and I do encourage you to seek professional help if your feelings are severely impacting your life, here are a few tips to help you if you're feeling a little sad around the holidays.

8 Things to Do if You're Feeling a Little Sad Around the Holidays

1. Spend some time focusing on your needs

Sometimes, it’s our own needs that get pushed aside to make the holidays feel like the most wonderful time of the year. Spend some time evaluating your own life and taking note of the things you need to feel like your best self. For example, a non-negotiable for you could be ensuring you are in bed by 10pm. Additionally, a non-negotiable could be setting boundaries around certain people who either cause you anxiety or encourage you to partake in self-destructive behaviours. Focus on elements that positively improve your life to make sure your cup is filled and your needs aren’t lost during the season.

2. Get comfortable saying no

The word “no” can feel uncomfortable, especially for people who may identify as self-proclaimed people-pleasers. I promise you that even if you are the type of person to say yes to every offer that is presented to you, it’s going to be okay if you decide to turn something down to prioritize your own needs. Get comfortable saying no to things that aren’t going to serve you. You can say no to a drink if you don’t want to have one, you can say no to a night out if you need to sleep, and you can say no to your department’s Secret Santa if you want to save money. Get comfortable with saying no to things if you don’t want to do them.

3. Set a realistic budget

According to a Holiday Shopping Survey done by WalletHub, “nearly 1 in 4 Americans still have holiday debt from last year”, and “nearly 1 in 5 people will apply for a new credit card to help with holiday shopping”. Inflation and the cost of living have greatly impacted the lives of the vast majority of people, not to mention the countless layoffs spanning multiple industries. It’s okay if your holidays are going to look different this year than they have in previous years. Please take care of your financial health and set a realistic budget that isn’t going to put you into debt for the holidays.

4. Make time for yourself

Spend time doing something you want to do, whether that looks like reading a book, having a bubble bath, getting caught up on your favourite show, or taking a walk outside. Yes, the holidays are about spending time with the people you love, but it’s also important to make time to do the things you enjoy, too.

5. Spend time with someone you love and trust

If you are feeling overwhelmed and sad during the holidays, make time to spend with someone you love and trust who you can talk to about what’s going on. This could be a close friend, a family member, a spouse, or anyone you are close with and have a strong relationship with.

6. Limit your travel

Travelling around during the holidays can be stressful, exhausting, and downright uncomfortable for countless reasons. If it’s something that is negatively impacting your mental or physical health, it’s okay to limit it where you can. Whether you choose not to travel on Christmas day, limit the places you go, or decide to stick to one place altogether, it’s okay. Do what works for you now, which may differ from what’s worked in the past.

7. Try to keep elements of your daily routine

Even if you are away from home, are off work, or just travelling in general, try to keep an element of your daily routine. If you regularly go to the gym in the mornings before work, try to still slip in a little bit of movement in the morning. If you are usually in bed by 10pm, don’t start going to bed at 2am just because it’s the holidays. Maintaining parts of your regular life will help you to feel your best and make the adjustment back to regular life feel a little easier.

8. Speak with your doctor or a mental health professional

Please do not suffer in silence. If you are struggling, please reach out to your family doctor or a mental health professional. Think about it like this, if you broke your arm you would go see a doctor to get a cast, so if you’re struggling mentally, you should go see a doctor. You are absolutely not alone in feeling the impact of the holidays, and there are people who are trained to help you with this very thing. For help finding mental health services, check out CMHA.


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5 Ways to Make the Holidays Feel Easier on You