5 Tips for Ending Mental Illness Stigma

Photo by: Ümit Bulut // Unsplash

Disclaimer: this post is solely for inspiration by introducing a conversation and should not be taken as professional advice

Trigger warning: this post discusses mental health and mental illness stigma.

If you were to wake up tomorrow and found out that 20% of the world was diagnosed with an illness, how would you respond? Would you act through empathy, offer to pick up groceries and bring over medications for a friend or family member? Or would you criticize them, call them lazy, and tell them to just get up already?

Now, what if I were to tell you that 20% of Canadians, in any given year, experience a mental illness or addiction problem [source: CAMH]. And what if I were to tell you that by age 40, 1 in 2 Canadians either currently has, or have previously had, a mental illness [source: CAMH]. Despite mental illness and addiction being incredibly common, there's still a lot of stigma around it.

Of my 37 year career as both a nurse and nursing instructor, most of my experience has taken place in the mental health field. I’ve worked with people, supported people and advocated for people who needed someone in their court. I’ve worked with folks who have been abandoned, denied, or felt left behind by society. A friend of mine put it perfectly, stating that mental illness isn’t a casserole illness. When someone is diagnosed with a physical illness, there’s often a lot of casseroles arriving (metaphorically and literally). Their friends, family members and community rallies behind them to support them during their time of need. However, when someone is diagnosed with a mental illness, they may not receive the same support. 

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The stigma around mental illness is embedded right into our society through the movies we watch, the music we listen to, and the conversations we have daily. Mental illness often gets treated as a character flaw, a result of lack of discipline or laziness, or a defining personality trait, as opposed to what it actually is, which is an illness. Since mental illness isn’t necessarily tangible, a lot of people struggle to comprehend and process the way other illnesses are. Look at how we communicate about other illnesses. If your best friend came to you and told you they are diabetic, you would not look at them as diabetes itself. Instead, you would likely still look at them as your best friend who has diabetes. Similarly, if a family member came to you and said they were diagnosed with cancer, you would not look at them as cancer. Instead, you would likely look at them as a loved one who has cancer. The same needs to happen with mental illness. Folks who have a mental illness are first and foremost a person.

Placing stigma on folks with mental illness can hold people back from gaining the support they need. This can show up in several ways, including (but not limited to) not believing mental illnesses are real, lack of access or funding for resources, or telling someone to simply get over it. Stigma prevents 40% of people with anxiety or depression from seeking medical help at all [source: CAMH].

The good news is that many people are beginning to acknowledge the importance of ending the stigma around mental illness. Folks are becoming more understanding and compassionate with how they discuss it and view it. But the reality is that this is still relatively new and it may be confusing to understand what ending the stigma means or looks like. Allow me to share a couple of tips you can do to help end the stigma around mental illness.

5 Tips for Ending Mental Illness Sigma


Understand what mental illness actually is. Many people assume that mental illness strictly looks like not getting out of bed or ignoring our responsibilities. While those things can definitely be the experience for some or included for others, it does not represent everyone’s experience. Mental illness can show up in a multitude of manners, including but not limited to, lashing out in anger when triggered or threatened, requiring a drink to fall asleep or take the edge off, or through workaholic behaviours (perfectionism, overachieving, avoidance of personal issues, etc.). Mental illness can show up in different ways and on a spectrum of severities throughout various times in someone's life.


We need to check in with the words we’re using daily, as they can unknowingly contribute to the stigma. Calling yourself lazy for taking a break or for not being constantly busy further drives home the stigma that folks who can’t get out of bed or hold down a job are also lazy. Similarly, calling yourself crazy for not understanding something or for experiencing big emotions further drives home the stigma that has been placed on folks with mental illness for decades. People have often thrown around the word "crazy" to describe the mentally ill as "broken" or "not right". There’s an old expression that says “you cannot heal in the same environment that made you sick” - use that same philosophy with this. If you are wanting to help end the stigma around mental illness, you need to make sure you aren’t using the phrases or expressions that created the stigma. 


When it is safe to do so, it is important to speak up and help educate others when you hear or witness injustice. While doing this, it is important to remain respectful and kind. The reality is that you cannot guilt or shame someone into changing. When you go into a situation with hostility and anger, they likely will put up defences and not listen to what you are saying. Have your facts ready and approach the situation calmly and firmly, and you will be more likely to get your point across. 


If someone comes to you and tells you about their mental illness, remember that it is not your job to attempt to fix everything or offer unsolicited advice. If your best friend tells you that they have just been diagnosed with depression, don't lecture them about how your coworker suffers from depression but still comes to work every day. Instead, remain empathetic, ask them what they need, and remember that their experiences are unique to them. Remember that everyone’s situation is different. If you are struggling to know what to do, reach out to support groups for the friends and family members of loved ones who are suffering. 


Robin Williams’ passing came as a huge surprise in 2014 as many of his fans did not realize his mental health was suffering. Someone may appear to be fine on the surface, but that doesn't mean everything is perfect behind closed doors. Mental illness is an invisible illness and can show up at different stages of our lives. By removing the stigma around mental illness we’re removing the image we hold in our head with what it looks like. You will never know what someone could be facing behind the scenes, so remember to always be kind to everyone.


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