5 Easy Ways to Get Outside This Spring

We just went through one of the greyest winters here in Ontario, leaving many people feeling the impact of being stuck indoors. The sunshine was limited, the weather was cold, and the repeated snowstorms made it difficult for many people to safely get outside. But spring is officially here, bringing warmer temperatures, brighter evenings, and a sense of beginning, making it much easier for people to get outside.

Also: 5 Spring Signs To Boost Your End-of-Winter Spirits

There are a ton of benefits to getting outside. Fresh air and sunshine can spark happiness, it's a source of vitamin D and is overall great for your mind, body and soul. But after several months of being stuck indoors, we may have fallen out of the routine of getting outside effortlessly. Today, I wanted to share with you 5 easy ways to get outside this spring, as a way to inspire you to get outside more. 

5 Easy Ways to Get Outside This Spring

1. Eat

There’s something truly special about eating outside, especially after staying indoors for so long. Whether it’s a picnic lunch, BBQing dinner, or squeezing in a snack break, try to eat a meal outside.

2. Study

I absolutely love the portability of modern technology and the freedom it’s granted to so many of us. Whether you're reading, working, or connecting, see if you can do some of it in a quiet space outside. Not only do I find it more enjoyable to work outside, but I also find it easier to stay focused on the material at hand.  

3. Exercise

My daily morning walks with my neighbour are one of my favourite workouts to do because it gets us moving, with good company, outside. While we do brave the cold during the winter, there’s something more enjoyable about walking outside during the warmer months. Not only is it brighter and warmer, but the roads and snow banks are also clear, making it safer. Whether you like to walk, run, bike or hike, try to see if you can get movement outdoors.

4. Garden

For me, gardening represents life, beginnings, growth and beauty, and with the snow melting, it’s the perfect time to witness that happening before our eyes. Whether it’s flowers or food, if you can get outside and spend some time in the soil, I’d highly recommend it. 

5. Freshen up 

One of my favourite things to do is to hang my laundry outside. I always find it’s a great way to freshen things up, while also saving power. Alternatively, you can also open your windows and let fresh air into your space, too. 


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