3 Areas in Your Life You Probably Haven’t Thought About Spring Cleaning

Pink peonies laying on a white silk sheet

Spring has sprung, and it’s bringing with it some change, growth, and fresh opportunities. It’s the time of year when the animals are shedding their winter coats, humans are grabbing for lighter clothing, and flowers are starting to poke back up to say hello. It’s also a great time to shed other parts of our lives, too.

When we think of spring cleaning, we typically think of tidying and organizing our home – which is important, might I add, but just like how we can go through our closets, take stock of what’s working for us, and remove what isn’t, we can use this same idea in other areas of our lives, too. Life is too short to be filling our time with things that aren’t working for us, aren’t uplifting us, or are holding us back. This isn’t to say that every moment is going to be perfect, but it is an opportunity to be intentional with your day, and to make adjustments where needed. So today, I’m going to share 3 different areas in your life that you probably haven’t thought about spring cleaning, but you should. 

Also read:  5 Tips For Going After Your Dreams

3 Areas in Your Life You Probably Haven’t Thought About Spring Cleaning

Spring clean the things that are no longer serving you

Sometimes we can get caught up in the motions of our daily routines that we forget to take a moment to step back and evaluate what’s actually working for us. Take some time to check in with yourself to see how things are going. How is your morning routine? Do you find it’s helping to set yourself up for a great day? How about your exercise routine? Are you feeling motivated and accomplished by it, or does it leave you feeling uncomfortable? Check to see if the things you are doing are actually serving you. The reality is that we’re constantly changing, which means our needs are changing, too. What worked for us at one point in our lives may not necessarily work now. Checking in with yourself allows you to switch things up and take back control over your life.

Spring clean your negative thoughts

Especially with the year we’ve just had, it can sometimes feel easy to get sucked into our negative thoughts. We may get focused on all the things we’re unhappy with in terms of our jobs, our homes, or even our own bodies, and completely ignore the things that bring us joy. Pay attention to the thoughts that pop into your head, and see if there’s a way to focus on something a little more positive. If you’re constantly waiting for something to change in your life to be happy or confident, you may find yourself waiting a really long time. Start by focusing on the things you’re grateful for, and remember to be kind to yourself today.

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Spring clean your unhealthy relationships

Unhealthy relationships can show up in a ton of different forms. They can show up with the people in our lives, but they can also show up in other forms, such as your relationship with your phone or even social media. Take note of the relationships around you. Are you feeling uplifted and encouraged by them, or are they leaving you feeling drained or bad about yourself? Identifying unhealthy relationships allows you to create healthy boundaries where needed. If you’re feeling drained after spending the afternoon with a typically negative friend, a healthy boundary could involve steering the conversation away from controversial topics and keeping things positive and light-hearted. Or if you’re finding that you’re glued to your phone, a healthy boundary could look like setting screen time limits to help manage the endless scrolling. There are many ways you can set healthy boundaries in your life, but they all start by taking note of the relationships in your life. 

Also read: Boundaries you should be setting in your life


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