16 Ways to Make the Most out of the Winter Months

Time can work in strange ways, where summer months seem to be gone in a blink of an eye and winter seems to drag and feel never-ending. For a lot of folks, the winter can feel incredibly isolating. Between the cold temperatures, lack of sunshine, and watching the sun set before dinner, we often end up spending more time indoors and more time in the dark.

Beach vacations are a fun escape from the chilly tundra, but they’re not always a feasible or desirable option, and they’re also typically a quick, temporary fix. As soon as the vacation is over, reality sets back in with driveway shovelling and dark evenings. The goal is to find a more sustainable approach to enjoying the winter months, and that begins with finding activities within your own vicinity that are readily available.

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Today I’m sharing 16 “staycation” ideas for you. You can do these things at home, or close by, in an attempt to make the most out of the winter months. The reality is that whether we enjoy it or not, winter is inevitable, but our distaste for it isn’t. 

16 Ways to Make the Most out of the Winter Months 

1. Pyjama Day

 Whether you want to stay in your PJs all day, or change into sweats in the morning, pick a day to prioritize coziness. 

2. At-Home Spa

Think: bubble baths, hair masks, and extra steps in your skincare routine. Spa days at home are meant to be relaxing and rejuvenating ways to unwind from the busyness of daily life. 

3. Homemade Pizza

 Homemade pizza nights were one of my favourite things to do with my daughters when they were young: load up your favourite toppings and make your own masterpiece. Pressed for time? Get a kit from the store and cut up your favourite veggies.

4. Movie Night

 Whether it’s an old favourite or a new release, the colder, darker months are truly the perfect time to watch a movie. 

5. Attend An Art Workshop

 If you don’t feel very creative, I want to remind you that creativity is a skill, and skills can be developed and strengthened. Sign up for an art workshop and enjoy.

6. Go Bowling 

 Bowling was an activity that I enjoyed with my daughters where we could go out on a cold winter night but still be warm and active. If you need a fun and accessible option, your local bowling alley would be a great place to visit!

7. Try a Winter Sport

 I’ve spoken about this many times, but I’ve been a figure skater for as long as I can remember, which gives me something to look forward to every winter. If it is available to you, I would recommend trying out a winter sport/activity that you can do when you feel like you need to spend more time outside. 

8. Take a Winter Walk

 Winter walks and hikes can be really enjoyable with the right layers. Bundle up, and make sure you’re safe if it’s slippery. Want to make your walk extra cozy? Bring hot chocolate!

9. Order In Dinner

 Take a load off your plate and order your favourite takeout meal or pick it up on your way home from work. There’s nothing better than enjoying a delicious meal at home without any dishes to do after. 

10. Meet With a Friend

Sometimes we need to be more intentional with meeting up with those important to us during the winter when it’s more difficult to get outside. Whether it’s going out for a coffee, going for a hike, or meeting over zoom, prioritize your relationships. 

11. Go Snowmobiling

 Go out on an adventure and see the winter landscape through a different lens. 

12. Winter Bonfire

Bonfires aren’t just summertime activities, cozy up around a warm fire with those close to you. 

13. Go Shopping (Window Shopping Counts!)

I remember when shopping used to be a whole day event: where you’d take a break for lunch and go home with your purchase on the same day. Now, by no means am I recommending you spend a ton of money, but getting out, walking around a mall or downtown core, doing some window shopping and possibly picking up something that interest you can make for a fun day! 

14. Visit a Local Attraction

 Be a tourist in your own area - visit those places you may overlook as a local attraction. Visit a museum, an art gallery or a market. 

15. Attend a Fitness Class

Group fitness classes can be a fun and encouraging way to enjoy fitness. Whether it’s spin, yoga, or pilates, pick something you enjoy with people who make you feel comfortable. 

16. Pick Up an Old Hobby 

If there is something you enjoy doing, but never find the time to do, see if you can use the winter months to pick it back up.


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