10 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self
I recently turned 57 and have spent a lot of time self-reflecting. I’ve lived a very fortunate life and have countless blessings to be grateful for. I have an incredible family, a career I love, and amazing friends and colleagues in my life. And while these are things I’ve always been very appreciative of, if I could go back and spend some time with my younger self, I would want to encourage her.
If I could go back and spend some time with my younger self, I would want her to know that everything will be okay, even when things feel tough. I would tell her to believe in herself, trust herself, and be there for herself.
Here are 10 things I’d tell her specifically.
Also read: 57 Lessons From A 57-Year-Old
10 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self
1. The first six months of your first job in your career would likely be the hardest. It will get better with time and experience.
2. Someone will break your heart… actually, more than one person will probably break your heart. But you will survive because you are strong.
3. Your parents really do know a thing or two about life… sometimes we’re just “too cool” to accept that.
4. Keep a journal of your thoughts early on in life. It will help you with navigating this hectic world and feeling peaceful along the way.
5. Not everything is as it seems. Big houses and fancy cars don’t mean wealth or contentment.
6. Remember to pack your lunch… cafeteria food makes a great treat from time to time, but it’s not the healthiest or most financially responsible choice.
7. Cross the bridge when you come to it. Dad used to say that to me, but I didn’t quite understand what he meant until I grew a little older.
8. It’s okay if you need extra sleep, your brain is still developing.
9. There will be lots of wonderful people who will support you, and then there will be those who don’t… that’s OK. When people don’t support you it says more about them than it does about you.
10. Take courses… even though you have a college education, stay in school. It will benefit you in the long run.
BONUS: It’s great that you’re working hard and taking all these great shifts, but don’t forget to spend time having fun too!!